StudySection launches E-Commerce Online Certification Exam (Foundation) for the candidates who want to test their knowledge and skills required for an electronic commerce business. This certification Exam from StudySection helps you to test your knowledge of E-commerce and to earn a certificate on passing the exam. Candidates planning to opt for this Certification Exam from StudySection can go for it with the ease and comfort of their homes or workplaces
Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce is the activity of electronically selling or buying products or services online over the Internet. Modern E-commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of a business transaction. Other technologies such as electronic-mail can also be used in E-commerce business. Typically, E-commerce is divided into three areas: online retailing, electronic markets, and online auctions. Money and data transactions are also considered as E-commerce. These business transactions can be made in four ways: Business to Business (B2B), Business to Customer (B2C), Customer to Customer (C2C), Customer to Business (C2B).
Free Online E-Commerce Certification Exam consists of several multiple-choice questions from the fundamentals of this field. Some questions may have more than one correct options and you must select all the correct options in order to make your answer right. After you have successfully passed this online Certification Exam (Foundation), you will become eligible to get an e-Certificate and a certification badge that can be used to enhance your career profile and social media profiles also.
This is a Premium Exam (limited free attempts). Get SS Admission for unlimited attempts.