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StudySection offers a Verbal Reasoning Online Certification Exam (Advanced) for those who want to test their in-depth knowledge and understanding of Reasoning. Verbal Reasoning Online Certification Exam (Advanced) from StudySection is one of the best options available online to justify your knowledge. This certification exam from StudySection is recognized worldwide. Candidates planning to go for this online certification Exam from StudySection can opt for it with the comfort and ease of their home or workplace without disturbing their daily routine.

Verbal reasoning is the ability to understand and work logically through concepts and problems expressed in words. Verbal reasoning tests are often used in recruitments for positions in many industries, like banking, finance, management consulting, mining, and accounting. The tests are used as an efficient way to shortlist candidates for later stages of the recruitment process, such as interviews. Verbal reasoning includes many types of components like propositions, premise, syllogism, verbal analogies, etc. A basic aspect of verbal reasoning is prepositioned (a statement that expresses a judgment or opinion about something). A premise is a proposition that will follow or induce a conclusion. A syllogism is an argument that consists of premises in order to arrive at a fruitful truth. Verbal analogies are comparisons between two subjects or concepts based on their relationship.

Verbal Reasoning Online Certification Exam (Advanced) from StudySection comes in the form of multiple-choice type questions based on the advanced content of Reasoning. Along with the topics covered in the foundation exam, this exam will also cover topics like basics, arithmetical reasoning, arrange the words, coding & decoding, etc. As the test is of advanced level, some questions may have two or more right answers given in the choices. You should select all the correct options in order to make your answer right. After passing this exam from StudySection, you will become eligible to get a consolidated e-Certificate and a certification badge that can be used to reflect your expertise on your social networking profiles. Verbal Reasoning Online Certification from StudySection will make you more deserving among the competing candidates for the same job profile.

Topics to be covered in Verbal Reasoning Online Certification Exam are the following:

  • Verbal Reasoning Basics
  • General Reasoning
  • Arithmetical Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning
  • English Vacbloury
  • Arithmetic Problems
  • Problems related to calender
  • Relationships
  • Analogy
  • Arrange the words
  • Coding and Decoding
  • Logical Sequence of Words
  • Odd Man Out
  • odd pair of words
  • Situation Reaction
  • Verification of Truth

This is a Premium Exam (limited free attempts). Get SS Prime Club Membership for unlimited attempts.

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Test Time - 25 Minutes

Total Questions - 30

Passing Score - 67%

Note - This test has to be completed in a single session. A question may have multiple correct options. You have to mark all the correct options for your answer to be considered correct. You will see checkboxes instead of the radio buttons for the options in case a question has multiple correct options.
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