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Software Test Plan

What is a Test Plan?

A test plan is a detailed document that defines the testing strategy, Testing objectives, resources (manpower, software, hardware) needed for testing, testing schedule, testing Estimation, and testing deliverables.

The test plan is a blueprint to perform software testing activities that are monitored and controlled by the test manager.


Think of a test plan as a project planning for testing. This means that the test planning conveys how testing is going to be performed at a specific level (such as system testing or user acceptance testing), or (such as performance testing or security testing).

Importance of Test Plan

Making a Test Plan has multiple benefits

  • Test planning helps us confirming the effort required to validate the standard of the app under testing
  • Help individuals outside the test team like developers, business managers, customers understand the details of testing.
  • Test Plan guides our thinking. It is sort of a rule book, that must be followed.
  • Important aspects like testing estimation, test scope, testing Strategy are documented in test planning so that it will be reviewed by Management Team and re-used for other assignments.
  • You already understand that making a test plan is the most significant task of the test Management method. Follow the steps below to make a test plan

Sample Test Plan

(Name of the Product)

Prepared By:

Names of those who Prepared the Test Plan



  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives & Tasks
  3. Scope
  4. Testing Strategy
    • Alpha Testing (Unit Testing)
    • System and Integration Testing
    • Performance and Stress Testing
    • User Acceptance Testing
    • Batch Testing
    • Automated Regression Testing
    • Beta Testing
  5. Hardware Requirements
  6. Environment Requirements
    • Main Frame
    • Workstation
  7. Test Schedule
  8. Control Procedures
  9. Features to Be Tested
  10. Features Not to Be Tested
  11. Resources/Roles & Responsibilities
  12. Schedules
  13. Significantly Impacted Departments (SIDs)
  14. Dependencies
  15. Risks/Assumptions
  16. Tools
  17. Approvals
  1. Introduction
    It is a brief summary of the product that is being tested. Outline all the functions at a high level.
  2. Objectives & Task
    • Objectives
      Describe the objectives backed by the Master test planning, for example, establishing tasks and duties, a vehicle for communication, a document to be utilized as a service level agreement, etc.
    • Tasks
      List all the tasks known by this test plan, i.e., testing, post-testing, drawback coverage, etc.
  3. Scope
    • General: This section describes what is being tested, which is new to all the functions of a particular product, its existing interfaces, integration of all functions, etc.
    • Tactics: List here about how you’ll accomplish the things that you just have listed within the “Scope” section.
    • For Example, If you have mentioned that you are testing the existing interfaces, what would be the procedures that you would follow to inform the key individuals to represent their several areas, similarly as allotting time in their schedule for helping you in accomplishing your activity?
  4. Testing Strategy
    Describe the overall approach to testing. For each major group of features or feature combinations, specify the approach which can make sure that these feature groups are adequately tested.
    Specify the main activities, techniques, and tools which are used to test the selected groups of features. The approach should be described with enough details to allow the identification of the major testing tasks and estimation of the time needed to do all.

    Unit Testing:
    Definition: Specify the minimum degree of comprehensiveness desired.
    Identify the techniques which are decided on the comprehensiveness of the testing effort (For Example, deciding the statements and executed at least once). Specify any further completion criteria (For Example, error frequency). The techniques to be used to trace needs should be given.

    Participants: List the names of the individuals/departments who would be accountable for Unit Testing

    Methodology: Describe how unit testing will be conducted. Who will write the test scripts for Unit Testing, what would be the sequence of Unit Testing and the way can the testing activity take place?

    System and Integration Testing:

    Definition: Specify the minimum degree of comprehensiveness desired.
    Participants: List the names of the individuals/departments who would be accountable for Unit Testing
    Methodology: Describe how System & Integration testing is going to be conducted. Who will be writing testing scripts for Unit Testing, what would be the sequence of events of System & Integration Testing, and how will testing activities take place?

    Performance and Stress Testing:

    Definition: List what’s your understanding of Stress Testing for your project.
    Participants: who are going to be conducting Stress Testing on your project? List the individuals who will be responsible for this activity.
    Methodology: Describe how Performance & Stress Testing are going to be conducted. Who will be writing testing scripts for testing, what would be the sequence of events for Performance & Stress Testing, and how will testing activities take place?

    User Acceptance Testing:

    Definition: The goal of acceptance testing is to verify that the system gets ready for operational use. During the Acceptance testing, end-users (customers) of the system compare the system to its initial requirements.
    Participants who are going to be liable for User Acceptance Testing? List the name of the individuals and their responsibility.
    Methodology: Describe how User Acceptance testing is going to be conducted. Who will be writing testing scripts for testing, what would be the sequence of events of User Acceptance Testing and how will testing activities take place?

    Automated Regression Testing:

    Definition: Regression testing is the selective retesting of a system or a module to verify that modifications

  5. Hardware Requirements
    • Computers
    • Modems
  6. Environment Requirements
    • Main Frame
      Specify each mandatory and desired properties of the test environment.
      Also, specify the level of security need to be provided for the test facility, system software, and proprietary elements like software, data, and hardware. Identify the special test tools that are required. Identify other testing requirements (For Example, publications or workspace). Identify the source of all the requirements which aren’t currently available to your group.
  7. Test Schedule
    • Include all testing milestones identified within the software system Project Schedule
    • Define any additional test milestones required. Estimate the time required to complete every testing task. Specify the schedule for every testing task and test milestone. For each examination source (that is, facilities, tools, and staff), specify its duration of use.
  8. Control Procedures
    • Problem Reporting
      Document the procedures to be followed when an incident is encountered throughout the testing cycle. If a standard format is going to be used, attach a blank copy as an “Appendix” to the test plan.
    • Change Requests
      Document the process of modifications to the software. Identify who will sign off on the changes and what would be the basic criteria for including the changes to the current product.
      If the changes affect the previous programs, then these modules should have to be noticed.
  9. Features to be Tested
    Identify all the software features and combinations of the software features that will be tested.
  10. Features not to be Tested
    Identify all the features that will not be tested along with specific reasons.
  11. Resources/Roles & Responsibilities
    Specify the staff members who are involved in the test project and what are their roles going to be (For Example, XYZ (User) compile test Cases for Acceptance Testing).

    Identify the teams accountable for managing, designing, preparing, executing, and resolving the testing activities.

    Also, identify the teams accountable for providing the test environment. These teams may include developers, testers, operations staff, testing services, etc.

  12. Schedules

    Major Deliverables: Identify the deliverable documents. You can list the following documents:

    • Test Plan
    • Test Cases
    • Test Incident Reports
    • Test Summary Reports
  13. Significantly Impacted Departments (SIDs)
    Department/Business Area Bus. Manager Tester(s)
  14. Dependencies
    Identify significant constraints on testing, like test-item availability, testing-resource availability, and deadlines
  15. Risks/Assumptions
    Identify the high-risk assumptions of the test plan. Specify contingency plans for each (For Example, delay within the delivery of test items may need long night shift working to complete on the delivery date).
  16. Tools
    List the Automation tools that you are planning to use. Also, list the Bug tracking tool here.
  17. Approvals
    Specify the names and titles of all the persons who will go to approve this plan. Provide space for the signatures and dates.

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